For those of us who do not believe in god or are not sure of our faith, what is the purpose of our lives and how do we find happiness?

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Money and Happiness

   Good point Reality is Stupid money in hardly ever the source of happiness. It has recently been shown that although people who have more money can afford to buy more things they somehow lose their ability to deride pleasure from those items. See more here.
   A recent study states  "Lottery winners were not happier than controls and took significantly less pleasure from a series of mundane events" So happiness is not at all dependant on money.

Check out these lottery winners stories.


  1. Ironic that the ad I see on your sidebar is Publisher's Clearing house win 5K/week for life ;P

  2. yeah, well I'd still take having money over not...

  3. I know that the more money I have, the less stressed out I am, which leads to me being happier more often.

  4. money does not equal happiness, but lack of money does equal shitness...

  5. whose this about moneys? food makes you happier. come check out my blog.

  6. oh man if i could win the damn lottery...

  7. I guess we wont know if money makes us happier before we actually have some :p

  8. Money would certainly make ME more happy :)
    Anyway use the adbright account you signed up for

  9. The problem with money is that if you get enough of it, people around you start acting funny, I'd love to be rich, but I wouldnt look forward to the shady attitudes it brings out in people.

  10. money can make you happier if you no longer have to struggle to get by and worry about paying bills, but after that point I don't think it helps anymore

  11. lol, i'm using that link in a post i'm about to make. your earlier comment made me consider a thought i've been having for years, the possibility that gaining wealth is as likely to destablize your life and happiness as it is improve it.
